
Cleto Munari
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The pursuit of simplicity and rigour, the typical features of Magistretti's design, does not exclude unusual shapes if they are justified by solid functional reasons, as in this set of silverware.

As effectively recalled by Silvia Giacomoni and Attilio Marcolli in Domus, poetics and inspiration are always present in Magistretti's design and are more or less evident depending on the case.

The silverware designed for Cleto Munari and crafted by Rossi & Arcandi of Vicenza, has a characteristic supple decorative element that grafts onto the body of the object whose function is to lodge the "opposing" finger, NAMEly the thumb. The reflection, and consequently the unusual design, arises from having observed the culinary practices of English chefs who make an evident use of their thumb when using carving forks and knives to prepare large chunks of meat. In line with tradition, Magistretti thus redesigns the object by maintaining its functionality while giving it an apparently frivolous look.

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project profile by Rosa Chiesa
same manufacturer